Model Innovative
Practice (MIP) Toolkit
Restorative Practices:
The Art and Science of Talking Circles

Learn Our Restorative Practices
Fusion Charter has developed a model innovative practice toolkit for educators and community partners. Restorative Practices: The Art and Science of Talking Circles builds skills to identify Housing Instability and supports Homeless Youth with the "Talking Circles" training video toolkit for school and community members.
Fusion was one of twenty districts/charter schools selected by the California Department of Education (CDE) through a competitive grant process to administer a Homeless Innovative Program (HIP) grant for two years (2022-2024). The purpose of the HIP grant is to identify innovative practices implemented and aligned with the provisions of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (Title 42 of the United States Code, Section 11431 et seq.) to improve the educational stability, access, support, and academic achievement of children and youth experiencing homelessness. HIP grantees are required to provide proven practices and strategies that will support children and youth experiencing homelessness.